Obtaining Rights For Grandparents And Guardians
West Virginia strictly limits grandparents’ rights to see their grandchild. And aware of grandparents visitation is becoming more difficult to achieve under recent supreme court decisions. In West Virginia grandparents are only awarded visitation with their grandchildren if they meet certain statutory requirements.
It is essential to find a knowledgeable attorney who can help you win your grandparent visitation case. The lawyers at Scales Law Office provide representation to individuals throughout the Eastern Counties of West Virginia in their family law matters. We know the law, offer aggressive counsel, and work hard to obtain the most favorable legal results on behalf of our clients.
Grandparents Seeking Visitation Rights Must Clear A High Bar
Grandparents seeking visitation rights must satisfy two general conditions. Specifically, they must demonstrate that visitation is in the child’s best interest, and that visitation would not interfere with the parent-child relationship.
Yet a number of additional factors come into play as well, including the child’s age, the child’s preferences, the parents’ preferences, any custody or visitation arrangements between the parents and, to the extent it can be quantified, the good faith of the grandparent filing the visitation motion.
We understand the importance of maintaining family relationships and, with more than 30 years of combined experience, we know how to represent our clients effectively and make sure their interests are addressed.
A Child Should Not Be Placed With Strangers
There are times when it is in a child’s interest to be separated from his or her parents. In such scenarios — whether the parent is injured or ill, abusive or absent — it is of the utmost importance to find a responsible guardian. In many cases, the state steps in and appoints one. Yet there is a low threshold for becoming a guardian — almost any adult can qualify — and such situations do not always end well.
At Scales Law Office, we can help interested parties — grandparents, for example, or other relatives — gain guardianship rights, and ensure the adequate ongoing care of the child.
Protecting Children’s Interests
If you would like to discuss your scenario, contact us to arrange a consultation. You can call our office at 304-267-9090, or schedule an appointment online.